Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Where Can I Buy Throw Pillows In Bulk

Sometimes life is a succession of chances you are taking a road that are happening throughout a series of events chains. Apparently, these events are random and have nothing to do with each other, because no one has taken you directly to the next. Have been occurring at random, by chance. But, when after these happenings take a step back on them and analyze the facts, sometimes you wonder if there would be something in the fate prepared to unite with each other. Something has happened to me in recent months in relation to a series of novels and films that have been coming to me unsought, by chance. Interestingly they have come together in different points of connection. All reality reflected primarily female, and they all referred to the relationship of these with the latest wars suffered in Spain and Europe. Absences experienced, the abuse suffered, the scars ... and also the role played in the fight against injustice, brutality and discrimination. And manipulation used many times on these women, for some and for others. I'll leave for another time movies, but I would like to share vivid impressions with the reading of two of these novels. The first book,
"The Song of Ruth" by Marife Santiago Bolaños
, a different novel, which through the story of its protagonist is going linking the various generations from the pain and memory.
is a novel with an unconventional structure with which Marifé Santiago, from the rich language and poetic pulse that appears throughout his work, weaves a beautiful and exciting story that rests on the fight against forgetting and the search for the origins of personal and collective pain of those who have experienced a decisive period in the twentieth century construction.
In Astorga and we are fortunate that we present it last December. Very soon, I think the February 18, will be in Leon, but still do not know the place. Not to be missed, as Marifé presentations are always very special. I will keep you
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The other novel came to me as a Christmas present from a good friend. Although I had heard very rave reviews about the moment he had no intention of reading it. This fact made me change my mind. I hate to leave you forgotten books that expressly give me. But I must admit that long novels lately give me a little scared, but fear "laziness", I say. It will be the lack of time with so much drag in his hands. It was a chance again, as it was to have met with those movies in one of those private television in one of those nights that you do not feel like doing anything but drowsy on the couch with a movie either. But they finally got caught from dazzle and keep the beginning, revealed the dream until the credits. After I get rid of this laziness was the considerable amount of "The time between seams, Mary Duenas
, so I decided to read it. I must admit that the first leaves cost me a bit. Maybe it was the right time. But little by little I started dipping into history to be finally caught. Among loves and hates of the protagonist, the author is showing us an excellent portrait of a historical era that is still too near showing more shadows than light, and the role that some women might play in the unfolding of events, as spies, as confident, as observers ... A great story full of surprises, written in the traditional style of the great novels of intrigue but a socio-historical background that has made for me at least, finally very interesting.
Soon both books have in common unless both are written by women and talk about women, and the aftermath in their lives left by war situations in which they are involved. They are totally different approaches with different spellings. But we both may be essential to understand the tragedy of war and how their consequences transcend far beyond the moment itself, marking for forever the lives of those affected / as for her, especially those who are or are considered weaker and therefore more vulnerable, usually women Niñ @ sy.


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