Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rabbit Water System Parts


Leo newspapers and watch a lot of tension in the society in which we live. The riots in Egypt clamoring for rights which have not. The murder of women workers for the sake of greed. New cases of male violence. Insults caused by this pre-election period we live and it seems that has been mired @ s centuries as already lasted. Words, gestures, actions that speak of social disharmony, of more or less violent conflict, misunderstanding, lack of solidarity.
few days ago, spent the School Day Against Violence and the peace. It was on January 30, Sunday. Days before and days after schools worked to promote dialogue with various activities and proposals. But this fact went almost unnoticed among the means to inform society of what is happening "because the world has more important things to talk about," and, of course, mostly negative things. Surely , we only found out who we have at home to a small creature in school. And, possibly, in some cases not even that.
But my daughter spoke a lot during those days. And he sang a lot. And much thought. And then, once the day asked too much, about things that had not yet emerged in the run. This made my head work around a number of ideas bubbling in them. And there came forth two small items. The first was to have gone out in the section Letters to the Editor of Diario de León. But once again able to more disrepute, crises and other issues that players are only trying to add fuel to the fire of a clear electoral political landscape. The second report was published in El Faro Astorgano on 29 January.
the Here I go, I will throw a look if you fancy and also if you will, compartáis me your impressions.

days, schools become instruments of peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds, race, culture and religion, with a basic message: "Universal Love, Peace and Nonviolence. The universal love is better than selfishness, violence is not better than violence and peace is better than war. Maybe it's time to give attention to them and forget for a moment the deep tension that seems to stretch every day in our society, based on the intransigence tension, selfishness, intolerance, often propagated by the political class and media, and are leading to a deep despair, especially among the most vulnerable sectors of society: the elderly and children (youth). Gandhi left a permanent legacy to humanity: the possibilities and power of dialogue, the importance of listening to the other party, to agree interests ... to resolve conflicts of all kinds. Do not forget that our daughters, our children are our future, the future of a world that we have brought without them. And we are leaving a legacy that now receiving in the day to day, through the words that wrap the hours, the time they spend, but also our example the time to act against other society.
That this heritage to become, like Gandhi, on a heritage of tolerance, respect, listening and dialogue, conflict resolution through peaceful means. And hope. Because things change, life goes on, and that progress must always be forward towards peaceful coexistence towards improving our rights, but also those who have become part of our society. And this is not achieved by dint of intransigence. do the voices of our people often rises to serve as an example and continually remind !

(30 January. School Day of Non-Violence and Peace)
Soon, very soon, in schools all over Spain and much of the world, around January 30
(which this year falls on a Sunday and therefore non-school date)
the yard filled with colorful drawings of peace doves, balloons infinite recalling the many races that populate the world and voices, singing and hand dancing, beyond individual differences, remember that a day like that, of 53 years ago, Mahatma Gandhi, national and spiritual leader of India, major symbol of peaceful resistance of all time, was killed dead by a Hindu fundamentalist, seeing this many truncated dreams of freedom and progress of one of the world's most populous nations, who had placed in him and his pacifist methods hopes to improve their living conditions. And once again, the intransigence put paid to dreams of improvement and freedom that had already begun to bear fruit in a very complex country, as his way of doing became an example for the rest of the world.
The School Day of Non-Violence and Peace (DENIP) was first declared in 1964. Emerged from a pioneering, non-governmental, independent and voluntary Nonviolent Education and English teacher Pacificadora Llorenç Vidal. Its objective is education and tolerance, solidarity, harmony
, respect for human rights, nonviolence and peace. In this days, colleges and schools become instruments of peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds, race, culture and religion, with a basic message: "Universal Love, Peace and Nonviolence. The universal love is better than selfishness, not Violence is better than violence and peace is better than war, having been working on it for a significant part of the course. The DENIP was recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science, by Ministerial Order of 29 November 1976. Subsequently it was also endorsed by the UN in 1993, to extend its celebration to the world. teachings and example of Gandhi were there, as permanent legacy to humanity, with the possibility of being applied in any around the world. We talk about the power of dialogue, the importance of listening to the other party, to agree interests ... But too often, I would say too, it seems that their efforts fell on deaf ears. No need to look far to observe. Is not needed to view these countries in a perpetual state of war that fill hours and hours of the latest news. A violent reality shows every day, from the intolerance that is sometimes seen also in the classroom, from the tension of the political class only looks its own interests instead of those people that put in place that are now from the stress of broken families, from the television screens and radio microphones from the headlines and journalistic lines that highlight the intolerance, the cries, which seem to show only the dark face of a world where there are people working side by side to achieve that same world better. Given this reality, it seems that the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, dialogue and support capacity, the ability to overcome not exist or had no place in our lives. We live in a permanent state of tension that can become the wick increasingly serious conflicts. But there are still vestiges of hope for change for the better these prospects so poor. These days I hear my daughter constantly humming the song "Color Esperanza", chosen by his school for this day of peace, a beautiful song of hope for the future I'm going to allow the license to extract some of the verses I find most beautiful in relation to the issue before I decided to address:
"... Knowing that you can,
wanting to be able,
removing fears, get them out
face painted the color of hope,
tempt the future with the heart ... "Because I'm
tired of seeing and hearing the hopelessness that is spreading day by day not only among our elderly, but also among young people, many of which looked incredulous without recognizing in it the strength and hope that one day we pushed the . There were many times more difficult than now and yet we take in our hands the power of words, the force of common sense, strength of reasoning, that made us move to the impulses of the wrong that this injustice did not directly affect our individual . Do not forget. Remember that our daughters, our children are our future the future of this world that have brought them without them. Do not receive our inheritance when we go definitely
now receiving in the day to day, through the words that wrap shared hours of time they spend, but also our example when react to the rest of society. That this heritage to become, like Gandhi, on a heritage of tolerance, respect, listening and dialogue, conflict resolution through peaceful means. Only then will come a day when, as the song says so often sung by José Antonio Labordeta (and probably many times echoed by many and many of us) "... tod @ s / looking up / see a land / put freedom /
herman @ hereunto set my hand / will be yours, my face / and your gesture of always /
fall without lifting / hurricane fear / to freedom ... "
A freedom that every time we restrict we want to impose the ideas to the beat of intransigence, relying on the flimsy excuse of tradition and history. Because things change, life goes on, and that progress must always be forward, towards tolerance and peaceful coexistence, to the improvement of our rights, but also those who have become part of our society. And this is not achieved by dint of intransigence. Do not forget that the voices of our people often rises again to lead by example and continually remind us.
Published in the Lighthouse Astorgano of January 29, 2011

The photos, taken at different points in our beautiful province, intended as a tribute to the harmony that we can still found in our world, a song of hope that we have to pass on to our daughters and sons.
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have achieved. This is demonstrated by the interest in our magazine, even beyond our own province.
And finally, as if a majority is involved, we have finally uploaded our magazine Panera a blog (in this case of mine as I am coordinator of the same) so you can be available who want ojearla. It was a challenge long cherished by the editorial team.
With all the warmth of the writing team that was willing to share with as many Internet users are interested in it. Rev. INDICES OF PANERA. No. 0 to No. 32. Years from 2002 to 2010.
YEAR 2010

The Panera n º 32 The Panera n º 31

The Panera n º 30
The Panera n º 29

YEAR 2009

The Panera n º 28
The Panera n º 27
La Panera No 26
The Panera n º 25 YEAR 2008

The Panera No. 24
The Panera n º 23
The Panera n º 22
The Panera No. 21 YEAR 2007

The Panera n º 20
The Panera No. 19
The Panera No. 18
La Panera No 17 YEAR 2006

The Panera n º 16
The Panera No. 15
The Panera No. 14
The Panera No. 13 YEAR 2005

The Panera No. 12
The Panera n º 11
The Panera No. 10
The Panera No. 9 YEAR 2004

The Panera No 8
The Panera No. 7
The Panera No. 6
The Panera No. 5 YEAR 2003

The Panera No. 4
The No. 3 Panera
The Panera No. 2
The Panera No. 1 YEAR 2002

The Panera # 0


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