Monday, January 31, 2011

Eczema Vs Ringworm Images


Juan Jose Bremer
Pillars of Diplomacy:
From Westphalia to San Francisco

The author combines historical analysis with the texts of peace agreements and the assessment of leading institutions, notably the League of Nations and the United Nations system.
It offers a view of the horizon that allows the reader a comparison exercise, which does not occur in specialized books that address only one of these stages.
The work is dedicated to a broad public interested in history and issues of our time. For scholars of international law and world affairs, will be a useful reference tool because they are collected and discussed in its pages all the more important treaties and agreements on peace and security.
in our language is not a very wide range of these issues and almost all of the work available the public, are translations of foreign authors.
He has represented Mexico as ambassador in most countries had a central role in these great wars, which brought him closer to the historical traditions of these nations, and also gave an exceptional opportunity to cleave and further information on each of this episode, having access to many of the authors and experts on these topics.

About the author:
Juan Jose Bremer was born in Mexico City in 1944. He has represented his country as ambassador to Sweden (1982), the Union Soviética (1988-90), Alemania (1990-98). España (1998-2000), Estados Unidos (2001-2004) y en el Reino Unido (2004-2009). Presidió la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores de la Cámara de Diputados y, en ese carácter, coordinó los trabajos de las Reuniones Interparlamentarias México-Estados Unidos (1985-87). Entre otras tareas públicas fue director del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (1976-82), así como subsecretario de Asuntos Culturales de la Secretaría de Educación Pública y presidente del Festival Internacional Cervantino (1983-85). Ha impartido conferencias sobre temas culturales y política exterior en importantes universidades de Europa y Estados Unidos y, en reconocimiento his work has been decorated by the governments of Germany, Spain and the UK. In 2006 he published, under the seal of Taurus, The End of the Cold War and the savage new world.

To learn more about his books, articles and dipliomatica and political life visit the official website:

"In 1620, the English Juan Antonio de Vera y Zuniga published a study on history and diplomatic practice called The ambassador, essential publication for European diplomats XVII century. In the early twenty-first century, Mexico's Juan Jose Bremer provides a historical perspective, illuminated by their diplomatic experience, which answers questions on war and peace. A work that will prove invaluable as his predecessor. "
John H. Elliott

"Juan Jose Bremer, to study each of these treaties involves the history that preceded and followed each of them. This is indeed a brilliant history of modernity. That is our currency only if we know it. "
Carlos Fuentes

About the play:
The appearance of TIMES OF WAR AND PEACE matches an extraordinary moment because our country, because of its two major anniversaries, is undergoing a period of introspection, and reminds us that it is also necessary to open the windows to the great events of international life. This historical review has a present because we are facing a critical period in which it is indispensable to a great work of international reorganization.
This book presents the reader with four crucial moments of crisis and reorganization that have largely defined the profiles of our modernity:
• Thirty Years War and the Peace of Westphalia in the seventeenth century.
• The period Congress of Vienna and the Concert of Europe, from 1814 to 1815, at the end of the Napoleonic Wars.
• The First World War and the Paris Conference in 1919 that produced five international treaties. The best known is the Treaty of Versailles.
• The Second World War and the International reorganization period that began during the war and culminated in 1945 with the San Francisco Conference, which was formed the Organization of the United Nations.

TIMES OF WAR AND PEACE provides an overview of each of these times and a compelling description of the characters that influenced both armed conflicts and in peace.
In bygone days was in the progam "The interview with Sergio Sarmiento, here you can see it:

Juan Jose Bremer give a lecture on his book to benefit the Association of Friends of MAP, AC
Place: Museo de Arte Popular, Revillagigedo esq. Independence, Col. Centro Historico, a block of Alameda.
Date: Monday March 7, 2011.
Time: 12:30 pm.
Donation: $ 600.00 per person includes conference, lunch and drinks.
Reports and ticketing :


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