Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bugatti Has How Many Engines?

On the anniversary of Manuela Rejas. In memoriam.

Manuela is still present in the minds of many of those people who were lucky enough to meet her one day. A year ago he left, leaving a significant gap in many of them. Know it was a discovery, one of those women full of vitality to the obstacles of life can not stop, because they have a clear goal. On a day like today makes me think that I wish there were more women like her, able to say all the time what they think and confront those who put them one after another trip. Then, as the saying goes "sing us a different story, women in particular and society in general. Therefore deserves further worth remembering, because it represents many other women, as anonymous as she was until the very end of his life, struggling every day to show what they can, beyond the firewall against this "society" we are enabling us to continue making our way.
Va for you, Manuela! And for us.
Mercedes G. Red
Manuela Portrait by Ana Cristina Pastrana.
The last trick of a magician buena.Diario of Leon (7-March-2011)

been a year already since I left this world Manuela Rejas on 6th March. Know who we might think that was the last trick that this "magician" by profession and life played him with the Reaper that was several years locked in a tough game of chess that finally ended up losing. It was as if he had calculated that his last and final goodbye, his ashes in contact with water that encouraged his life and his imagination, were to be two days later, while in many parts of Spain and the world commemorated the International Women's Day , which began as the Working Women's Day. Manuela because it was a hard worker who served many different professions. The most dear to her "illusionist." A profession practiced by men until Manuela got, being a minor in a Spain that was protectionist and discriminatory to women, their professional license, without which they could exercise. The urging to be satisfied with the role of assistant, but was she who knew and performed tricks. So do not be conformed. Neither did many other facets of life. His life was forever collecting, as an example of determination and willpower, in the documentary that the team led by producer Paco Tovar from Huelva land made on his life, "American Violet, and trunk. An example that makes demonstrated the ability to fight and overcome so many women who have been subject to a man's world in which systematically stifled their hopes and their capabilities.
died March 1 and his ashes were downstream, in a last breath of tireless traveler, a citizen of the world, 8 March, a year ago. And his memory will always bound us to this day a hundred years we have been celebrating the International Day of Women, and Women Workers, which we are all. Once more, farewell, Manuela. And thank you for your legacy.
Performing magic tricks in the Supper of Women's Day. Women's Week. Astorga. 2009


was the March 6, 2010. We were about to kick off the opening of a new Women's Week in Astorga, my phone rang. As I heard the voice on the thread that I said "I'm Manuela", I knew. The other Manuela, had joined us, which we did find, which had been filled with life ... magic and illusion ... and "slap on the wrist" ... these last years we had known, I was able to break all chains and bars of the prison mental and social, as if to carry them in his own name was the best spell for this, our Manuela Rejas, had died. "Manuela has just died," he confirmed his voice.
Something had made sense even before he uttered these words aloud. Perhaps the uneasy feeling that accompanied me since the day from his adoptive Veguellina, picked up the phone one last time to call me and asked me to annul the tribute that we were prepared. The words began to enredársele in the language before being expressed, small oversights lacerated with pain its always awake and sharp memory, and she was not sure I could recover in time. I think at that time and knew he had definitely lost the chess game for so long had with the Grim Reaper, just as the words, in which both had supported him throughout his life, began to fail. I just what I feared. Indeed, about a month after this event, all rushed. Coincidences
life, Charo Driveway had included in his speech, read notes on his work. Had met by chance in the hospital where he spent last Christmas again affected by the disease, which Occasionally he played as tricks, not lose hope, never forgetting the magic that it transcended beyond the tricks that still practiced. also stuck with his strong personality. And it was a reminder for her presentation as Female Artist of the Week for Women, who unknowingly, would become an aspiration, as this statement came to him now as a small, posthumous tribute.
was a March 6. Perhaps it was fighting until the last moment the cruel scythe-carrying, so that their last farewell to life, their ash flowing down the river by his beloved Ă“rbigo, coincide with the March 8 Women's Day, which started as - a hundred years ago now - Working Women's Day. What she always was. A tireless worker who went through life breaking schemes, seeking a niche in a world made by and for men, showing who was on his way when a woman proposes it is not limited in their craftsmanship. Became one of the first tricks of his life to get even a minor, a professional card that allowed him to show the world as illusion, and not as a mere assistant despite the insistence of everyone. Why would be if which she was performing tricks? And it did not stop. Never stopped, even performing at the death, again and again, one of the most difficult tricks, that of "escapism." Because she still could not go, always lacked things to do. Until, finally, a cold March afternoon, something went wrong, and the trick failed. And it's gone forever.
It's been a year since his death and still are many people who still remember her. Recalling his strength of will against adversity, his determination to work, his desire to excel. A living example of what the force of will, the illusion and ongoing efforts can get in anyone, but especially in any woman. Those who were fortunate enough to know, we have the vivid memory of the times shared with her their experiences, their conversations. People who have come to know, at least they will be the possibility of approaching it through the last of his books, the most pampered by his desire as a writer, the most harrowing, which contains many of the toughest moments of his life, "15 stories on living flesh." And throughout the film that the team Paco Tovar (who arrived to these lands from Huelva) made at the time of his biography, and his testimony has been and its presence through the world. "American Violet, and the trunk is a tribute to all women in a very hard time for them struggled to get ahead in this world of men for men to which I have mentioned before, with courage, with determination, without hesitation the least of his conviction, despite tripping life was going by putting in its path. Manuela's life is one of those little "big" biographies that can help us grow and change, remember that history is written every day thanks to many other small "stories" and that social progress is achieved by adding efforts and decisions that many people like her have lived in their daily lives. I have been fortunate to meet many more characters of this caliber, but thanks to Manuela know existed and I'm sure of it, still exist.
Therefore, in this 2011 in which we commemorate the centenary of the need to celebrate Women's Day, which grew from Working Women, a year since his death, I remember back Manuela Rejas and thank him on behalf of so many people who knew her, for being there and allowing us to discover. His latest trick against Death will make us have it present again, at least every 8 March, while marks, year after year, the Day Women
Manuela Rejas, with Councilmember Women and Social Services, participants in the tribute and representatives of the Associations of Women, the day of the week honor Women, 2009. In many of them left an indelible memory and.


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