Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Make Dora Backpack Bags


As part of the celebration of the V Anniversary CONACULTA Folk Art Museum, through its Press Office issued the following bulletin:

Press release No. 357 *** Conaculta
Trust is part of the Art Museum People, contributed almost 50% for its creation
*** The MAP opened in March 2006 with the aim of being the home of artisans

nearly five years, the Museum Arte Popular (MAP) is a landmark of Mexican folk art. This museum is unique in being an institution that promotes and supports the work of about eight million more people involved in artisanal processes in the country, with the aim of obtaining greater economic welfare. At the same time contributing to the rescue and preservation of our popular culture.

Photo: Sonya Arredondo
The MAP housed in a building considered one of the two Art Deco in the country. Is located at the edge B of the Historic Center of Mexico City. Its construction was carried out by the architects William Zárraga and Vicente Mendiola and was opened in November 1928. In the beginning was the site of the Inspector General of Police and the Central Fire Headquarters. In 1957 the building was occupied by the Treasury and three years later housed offices of the Secretary of the Navy, until the 1985 earthquake.
In 1996 the Federal District Government ceded the property on loan to the Civil Partnership Populart to house the Museum of Popular Art. In July 2003, work began to remodel by architect Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon, to finally be opened in March 2006.
Since opening, the MAP aims to be an indisputable leader of Mexican folk art, encourage and promote through its dissemination into living spaces, dynamic, fixed and mobile, in which all sectors of Mexican society and public abroad so they can appreciate and enjoy.
is also an institution focused on reevaluating the wealth of folk art in the new generations so that perceived as an essential in education, social development and economic development through the dissemination and investigation of the various branches of crafts.
for the restoration and adaptation of the building that houses the Museum of Folk Art, located across the street from Revillagigedo 11, in the Historic Center of Mexico City, invested about 90 million pesos, of which the Association Friends of the MAP contributed 45 million pesos, the Conaculta awarded 34 million 200 thousand pesos, and the Federal District government gave 10 million pesos, as well as a loan lease the building, valued at 36 million pesos.
This project adds the Federal Government's efforts through the National Council for Culture and the Arts, the Federal District Government through the Ministry of Culture and the Association of Friends of the Museum of Popular Art, who are key of this public trust resource contributors.
The building where the MAP consists of four levels of rectangular plan with a spacious central courtyard covered by a glass dome. On the ground floor are located a variety of services to the public, they, a folk art shop, cafeteria and auditorium. In the first level is the temporary exhibition hall and the area where workshops are held for artisans, children and the general public, while levels two and three are located the four rooms housing the permanent exhibition. MAP
The works are presented with a thematic and conceptual classification that highlights the many expressions and functions of Mexican folk art, highlighting with an innovative vision values \u200b\u200band aesthetic qualities.
The Permanent Exhibition of MAP shows the enormous range of Mexican folk art and its dynamic and diverse tradition, kept alive and with all force in people's reality. This is accomplished through a joint representative works of great wealth and artistic quality, from the collections to various institutions and individuals have made available to the museum.
In room 1, Essence of Mexican Folk Art, we can see how the cultural richness of Mexico, formed by its historical and artistic heritage, reflecting their cultural identity and connects his past with the present and future. Craft production is linked to the environment in which to perform, as the artist observes and sees the surrounding nature. Doing so popular art is the result of a dynamic triangle of interaction between nature, man and society, in which each vertex is a living entity that directly affects the creation. For example, plant fibers can be found in the country, are evidence of the use of natural resources, which the artist borrows from nature and then return in the form of fabulous objects.
In this room the visitor can enjoy the mural painted in 1947 by Miguel Covarrubias, who is the representation of a map that shows the close relationship between craft production and the environment. It also projects a video where you see the variety of the natural environment, represented by different craft pieces.
In Room 2, entitled The People's Art and Everyday Life, we can see how art's Village present in the daily life of Mexicans, because much of the popular art forms are present, usually through utilitarian objects and decorative functions.
These pieces, stemming from the hands of Mexican artisans, allow self-portraits, and to represent their society, their environment and the characters they play essential roles or as part of their daily lives.
In Folk Art and the Sacred, the name of the Board 3 shows how, despite the arrival of the Catholic religion, with the English, indigenous artists have found a way to manifest in the new order syncretic. The sacred rites of the communities Current indigenous contain large doses of fervor and magic items. Folk art objects belonging to them, concentrate the symbolism and express the concepts of transcendence, magic, life and death and the mystery of the gods.

world views and ideological signifiers are constantly represented by folk artists, who express their deep relationship objects is set in contrast with the sacred and the profane, as a fundamental principle of religion and myth, drawing from the events and beings, the essential and important as a matter of creation. The fire, air, water and earth become the basis of representations both earthly and the spiritual.
Finally, in room 4, The People and Fantastic Art, offers a journey where you can see the overflow of imagination and the plastic potential of the craftsman and the artist reflected in the originality of their works, through which You can visit the various issues involved in wildlife and fantasy in folk art such as alebrijes nahuales, trees of life, mermaids and devils. An overview of the traditional landscape of the country reflected in the recreation animal and the close link between the artisan with their natural surroundings.
stylized representations of scenes of nature are for them a source of inspiration. They result from the need arises to appropriate their surroundings and play, using the materials they get from their natural habitat.
Disinhibition expressive, dreamlike beauty and charm of simplicity, the vibrant colors of the pieces and their authors' intention to amaze, are just some of the characteristic features of these parts.
Importantly, the work of the MAP is not based solely on display of handcrafted pieces, but promotes research, interaction and participation of artisans in workshops, exhibitions and competitions, as well as extramural activities.
MAP folk art projects as a prominent manifestation of the mosaic of multi-ethnic cultures and social centers that have populated the country, accounting for its transcendent and deeply significant role in the historical development of the country. The visiting public is in this place a unique of its kind, which seeks to honor the historic past and recover the cultural heritage of Mexico, through the promotion, re-evaluation and dissemination of folk art.
The MAP is open to the public Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 18:00, and Thursday from 10:00 to 21:00. It is located on Revillagigedo 11, entering through the streets of Independence, near Metro stations Juarez and Hidalgo.

Mexico / Federal District

37 Weeks Pregnant Sharp Pain When Stand

, AC


AC MAP STORE is a non-profit project, inaugurated in February 2006 along with the Museum of Folk Art Mexico City, which seeks to promote and market the Mexican folk art to support the artisans.
create close ties and human, without intermediaries, paying fair value for each piece, thus promoting its talented creators.
Behind every piece there is a craftsman, a family, a community and a long history of traditions passed down from generation to generation and evolve over time.
We are committed to the popular art and artists, with our traditions and Mexican culture. We are a hotel with soul and drives where you can appreciate our rich culture.
Shop houses an extensive range of superb craftsmanship from all regions of our country, a great diversity techniques and materials, from the more traditional examples to modern and avant-garde

Now three locations:

Revillagigedo esq. Col. Independencia Centro Historico
Mexico, DF
Emilio Castelar esq. Col. Polanco
Mexico, DF
AIRPORT Terminal 2, International Area
Mexico, DF

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sam Short Film Treatment




Friday, February 25, 2011

Does The Opalesence Teeth Whitening Expire


First draft Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon to remodel the old fire station and future home of MAP