Sunday, April 24, 2011

How To Soda Fountain Ice Machine Cleaning

Psalm V of the priest, poet and politician Nicaraguan Ernesto Cardenal

  1. Hear my words O Lord
  2. Hear my moans
  3. Listen to my protest
  4. Because God is not you a friend of dictators
  5. supporter of its policy or
  6. propaganda or influence you
  7. or are in partnership with the gangster
  8. There is sincerity in his speeches
  9. or in its press statements
  10. talk of peace in their speeches
  11. while increasing its production of war
  12. speak of peace at the Peace Conference
  13. and secretly prepare for war
  14. Their radios roar all night lying
  15. His writings are full of criminal plans
  16. and claims records
  17. But you save me
  18. talk with the mouth of the guns
  19. His shining tongues
  20. are bayonets ...
  21. them guilty O God
  22. policy spoiled
  23. confounds their memoranda
  24. prevents programs
  25. When Alarm Siren
  26. You are with me
  27. you'll be my shelter on Pump
  28. Al does not believe in the lie of your signage
  29. or its advertising or its
    political campaigns
  30. thou bless
  31. What your love surround
  32. as armored


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