Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Continual Burning Stomach

museum script of "Maistro, what if you can not? Is making this up! One day the trades of street

The exhibition will occupy the temporary exhibition hall of the Museum of Popular Art, from 26 March to 5 June 2011.
The museum tour recreates the work 12 hours a day in an anonymous street the Historic Center of Mexico City, back in the 60's of last century. The viewer will enter into an illusion theme through the activities developed, and in some cases still do on our streets, at present some of the trades we try, although not in its heyday, it continue to give work to non-capital's few families as those of the patella, taco, the photographer, the barker, but there are others who suffer from extinction due to industrialization and changing lifestyle of city population .
As the name suggests, the exhibition aims of becoming a daily routine day in this city in which we live. Ginos Small oral traditions apparently civic are invisible, shifts in popular use metalanguage, humorous jokes, puns of alburero and grammatical slip. All wrapped in a colored slum aesthetic and illustrated by that other Mexican muralists, the rank, that of the windows, which does not respect the anatomy and perspective taught in formal schools, which draws on the philosophy of improvisation the useful art of self-taught technique and Alambrito , with its particular
naïve and natural as he is an artist by nature and do not know.
When the visitor enters the room, you can walk between the offices and shops that usually sees, but not look-in the streets of Mexico. Since the dawn and figuratively, will pass the bakery, next to the crier and may buy a turkey the tamale for breakfast.
Throughout the morning, talk to the evangelist, will walk next to jarciero, rummage through the pile of clothes from thrift shops, will give a coin to the organ and may also be arranged with the plumber and the builder to perform some talacha in his house from the street, you can access the recreation of a traditional neighborhood of the historic center, where the viewer has to meet the mechanical you compose your auto and incidentally, take measures for its new coat to the tailor.

At noon, back to the street could stop a taxi of the "Crocodile" for bringing it to the Alameda, there will rest under the shade of trees and hanging out with the seller of meringues, and even make a souvenir photo and then a delicious natural fruit ice, after that, remember that your old made a sent because you need a kitchen objects will enter into a traditional sharpening shop to buy a good knife or scissors excellent. With so much activity he was late to our visitors! must leave the shop and go walking down the street to the other downtown Alameda, which is located in the Santa Maria la Ribera and there, the landscape steeped in the beginning of the twentieth century, a well-known side of the Moorish kiosk, our audience will witness the famous crime of "Tamale", will see the parricide guarded by the authority and the unfortunate husband being portrayed by a seasoned photographer red note. As this happens, a young barker and sings the latest addition to a city that is growing rapidly in population.
the evening shows other offices in the streets, the seller of potatoes with your picture and sound peculiar, the taco vendor shipped goods under its sweaty sheet since the selling quesadillas fed to young students go to the pulque while diablero collects and transports posts other after a long day of work.

be in that moment when our intrepid visitor will notice that takes all day dog-leg and rest and relax, what better way to get into an environment as Mexican as a traditional pulque, that's where everything is mixed urban folklore and becomes the meeting point of the rest of the trades that the visitor observed during his tour, when this exhibition as they conclude their work day.
Unfortunately, every day together less trades in real pulquerías gradually lights are becoming extinct, in the work, obligations and strength ... trades.

Prepared by:
Coordinator and Museum Curator

The exhibition "MAISTRA CAN NOT WHAT IF? invented it! A day in the offices of the street "will be until June 5, 2011 in the temporary exhibition hall of the MAP.

Revillagigedo No. 11 (entry for Independence) Station of the Metro and Metrobus, Juarez and Hidalgo, Centro Historico Ciudad de Mexico Tel - (+52) 55 55 10 22 01


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