Saturday, April 30, 2011

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The Day of the Child, the rights and Museums

On 20 November 1952 the General Assembly of the United Nations decided to establish the "Children's Day" in order to reaffirm the universal rights of children worldwide, and suggested governments not only set it if not to undertake activities to develop the welfare of children. was not until 1989 that the General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the world began to benefit from a series of legal rights for children and adolescents. Although composed of 54 items is governed by four fundamental principles:

  • Nondiscrimination : you should not benefit or suffer because of your race, color, gender, language, religion, nationality, ethnic or social origin, or any political or otherwise, nor to your caste, your property or your birth, or because you have a disability.
  • interests of the child : laws and actions affecting children must first have in mind your best interests and benefit from the best possible way.
  • Survival, development and protection : the authorities of your country must protect and ensure your full development - physical, spiritual, moral and social.
  • Participation: you are entitled to express your opinion in the decisions that affect you and your views are taken into account.

April 30, Day of the Child in Mexico, in 2011 we invite you to visit the MAP. Museums In children develop an immediate and playful creativity and imagination, same features as for the rest of your life will be necessary to practice and performance of their daily lives. The great discoverers of humanity ever dreamed of finding something that made them famous for their contribution, it is also important to mention that not only the arts and sciences, these two virtues are significant, in any profession are greatly needed, dream something and run it gives us satisfaction in all life forms.

Folk Art Museum is a museum, leisure, living and projecting the creativity that the history of civilization in Mexico has shown, contains one of the halls the area of \u200b\u200btoys made by Mexican artisans. Check it, you know, take the children.

reports and registration to your application: 55 .- October 22, 1901 ext 130 or via email

We recommend the children's book "ABC of Crafts" you can buy at the store of MAP, AC

Revillagigedo esq. Independence
subway stations and Metrobus, Juarez and Hidalgo, Centro Historico Ciudad de Mexico

Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 18hrs until 21hrs

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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Cañete Attention attorneys

SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE CAÑETE ------------------------- Office of the Presidency
Superior Court of Justice illustrate Canete, chaired by Dr. Luz Gladys Roque Montesillo, invites lawyers working in our jurisdiction to join the Transitional District Judges Registration supernumeraries.
This has been provided by the Plenary Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Cañete, in compliance with the provisions of Article I, section a) of Administrative Order No. 053-2011-CE-PJ, so The gentlemen lawyers who aspire to integrate the list of lawyers fit to hold the positions as supernumerary judges, must submit their curriculum vitae documented, certifying compliance with the general and specific requirements set forth in the Judicial Career Law to exercise the judicial function, specifying the level of the judiciary and the specialty.
For this, we have arranged a pre-qualification will be subject to approval by the Plenary Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Cañete, as provided in the standard cited in the preceding paragraph. As above, it must be noted that: The documentation attached to the curriculum is presented in photocopy, the applicant being responsible for the accuracy of it.
The deadline for submission is April 27 until 12 noon on Tuesday 03 May this year. Instead of filing with the Secretary of Administration Office of the Superior Court of Justice site Cañete Av Mariscal Benavides District No. 657 San Vicente, Province of Cañete. * For the specialties, this Court also has courts of the New Code of Criminal Procedure Law and the New Labour. Cañete, April 26, 2011

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(Cañete, April 27) Following the Plan Strategic Crime persecution, the Young Leaders of the Judicial District of Cañete, participated in the call for the completion of the Championship Young Leaders Lightning 2011, which actively participated with their parents and neighbors of the area in the sports field at Imperial Josefina Ramos.
Participating teams were: "Friends of the Falklands", "Friends Forever" Malvinas City "and" Sports Falklands, which after playing games and showing his dominance with the ball, winners did win and the prizes consisted of a set of jerseys and a football official ball, leaving the team first "Friends Forever" to beat in the final squad of "Malvinas City" which won secondary.
In this event participated Macalupú Dr. Emilio Prado, fiscal coordinator of Young Leaders and members of the commission composed of prosecutors Quiroz Yvonne Gallegos, Yeder Ibarra Mendoza, Lissette Munayco Basurto, the doctor of the DML Carlos Rospigliosi Tran, psychologist of the DML, Olga Nuñez Tasayco Lovera and assistant Richard Herrera. Personal Cañete Judicial District.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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While Javier Alvarado says that all is well in the region slows

Yauyos .- Twenty children Picamarán annex, Ayllauca jurisdiction of the district, are suffering from a strange disease, causing injuries and wounds in various parts of his body, but the authorities of the Regional Health Authority , provide the necessary support. In visit to the scene, the parents complained about the lack of health personnel and claimed the support of health authorities to prevent its spread, whose evil is not known exactly.

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approval process works in Cañete


SAN VICENTE .- Members of Civil Society, will attend the police summons today to support the criminal complaint made against the provincial mayor, Mary Earl Montoya, for allegedly committing the crime of abuse of authority, ignoring the electoral process of the Provincial Local Coordinating Council - Civil Society, the period from 2011 to 2012. Members of Civil Society, said they will ratify their position considering that his rights were violated by the provincial mayor and local municipality officials. As recalled by letter to the delegates voters of Civil Society Organizations, Social Development Manager of the Provincial Municipality, Alberto Ramos, suspended the electoral process, citing apparent flaws and lack of heading Dr. Fredy Toribio Candela, a member of the Election Committee, the minutes of installation. The document was ratified by the mayor, although the Civil Society, asked repeatedly that this decision was made by Mayor's Decree or Order, basing the factual and legal grounds for suspension request ignored

" ELECTION PROCESS WAS LEGAL " Members of Civil Society, said that the Mayor's Decree 003-2010-MPC, signed by the Ex - Mayor Jose Espinoza Peña, initiated the election process, provided in the schedule and were invited Civil society organizations to register with the Provincial Municipality of Cañete. "Then came the verification requirements, the report and published in the bulletin board of City business candidates," he said. Subsequently, between the 14 business organizations, formed a list that should be recognized by the Election Committee meeting of January 14 2011, however, the Mayor did not recognize and proceeded to endorse the authority of the Election Committee and adjourned the proceedings without reasonable grounds. He said the Installation Act, was signed by the President and member of the Election Committee and not by the Secretary (Fredy Toribio), despite having been invited to that meeting, with the majority of the members who attested to this activity, as is done in previous years. Reported that the representative of the Bar Association, put aside their professional ethics to take a position consistent with the interests of the Municipality of Cañete, but not of the Election Committee by having a family as a servant mayor.

CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS The signers of this petition to the prosecutor are: Lilia Cardenas Chia (Channel Huanca), Italo Maldonado Montoya (ORDETT), Marcos Pozo Caldas (Federation of Apaf), David Peña Quintanilla (Association Ropers), Etelvina Cuzcano Kou (Union of Nurses), Rufino Sánchez Nolasco (Canal Nuevo Imperial), Juan Neyra Bolivar (Victims Association), Herbert Pardo Benites (Association for the Disabled) and right hand of Anchara Marcelina (Livestock Producers Association) who will attend today.

VACANCY OF OFFICE OF MAYOR Representatives of Civil Society, together with his lawyer, Dr. Armando Guerra Quispe, have confidence that the Public Ministry and the Judiciary, will give you the reason and the Mayor be punished for the crime of Abuse of Authority. They believe that the complaint will end his political career because they think, even go to the National Jury of Elections, to request your vacancy "by the arbitrary act, once they get the sentence in favor. Finally, require that the municipal authorities act that way for fear of surveillance of the works that are discussed in the stages of PB 2011 and 2012, work currently stalled.

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architectural jewel of the planet

" The tower is right and indeed the world is inclined"
After 20 years scaffolding, ties and braces the famous tower of Pisa will look "naked" to the public AFP PHOTO Overview of the Tower of Pisa is located in the Plaza of the Miracles of the Tuscan town .
clean, paint and shiny, and the Tower of Pisa look after that on Monday the group of restaurateurs who are responsible for its preservation were to remove the work material that helps keep the monument standing in the last two decades. While ten years ago had left the anchors that were used to correct the tilt by 40 inches, it began restoration work involving the cleaning of more than 7 million square feet of marble that make up the bell tower of the Plaza de los Milagros . However, fears persist about the possible collapse of the building built in the twelfth century. According to scientists, over the next two years, the tower will straighten growing but that will shift unnoticed because the sums involved are infinitesimal while tilting continue their march after that period. Did he fall? Experts believe that for the next 300 years we can be calm. So there's still time to go and take the classic photo by pushing the bell as they have done and continue making millions of tourists who visit each year one of the most distinguished architectural jewels of the planet. However, some "rebels" believe the tower is right and which is actually the world that is skewed. Matter of perspective ...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

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Psalm V of the priest, poet and politician Nicaraguan Ernesto Cardenal

  1. Hear my words O Lord
  2. Hear my moans
  3. Listen to my protest
  4. Because God is not you a friend of dictators
  5. supporter of its policy or
  6. propaganda or influence you
  7. or are in partnership with the gangster
  8. There is sincerity in his speeches
  9. or in its press statements
  10. talk of peace in their speeches
  11. while increasing its production of war
  12. speak of peace at the Peace Conference
  13. and secretly prepare for war
  14. Their radios roar all night lying
  15. His writings are full of criminal plans
  16. and claims records
  17. But you save me
  18. talk with the mouth of the guns
  19. His shining tongues
  20. are bayonets ...
  21. them guilty O God
  22. policy spoiled
  23. confounds their memoranda
  24. prevents programs
  25. When Alarm Siren
  26. You are with me
  27. you'll be my shelter on Pump
  28. Al does not believe in the lie of your signage
  29. or its advertising or its
    political campaigns
  30. thou bless
  31. What your love surround
  32. as armored

Friday, April 22, 2011

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Time for reflection ... Save our planet! In this Holy Week

our only home ... CAPA SMALL SPACE LOSS In the vastness of the Universe Every year on April 22, many people on Earth are made aware of the serious problems of pollution that we generate on our planet. On Earth Day we are all invited to participate in activities that promote the health of our planet, both globally and regionally and locally. Better than nothing. The origin of this day which is celebrated in many countries, since 1970, when environmental activist and U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, summon two thousand universities and more than ten thousand primary and secondary schools, with the objective to create a collective awareness of the problems facing the Earth. This call paid off, as from this initiative was created Environmental Protection Agency and a number of laws aimed at protecting the environment. Although it is a good initiative, it was not effective, because America is the most polluting country on earth. Pollution kills. According to information supplied by the Blacksmith Institute, a nongovernmental organization that studies the environment, more than 10 million people are affected by this problem. (See most polluted cities in the world ) In recent years the world has quadrupled its production of household waste, increasing this figure three percent per year. Among the toxic pollutants released into the air to cause burning, dioxins and furans are (highly carcinogenic substances, resistant to degradation and tend to bioaccumulate in humans), lead, cadmium, mercury, greenhouse gases, acid gases and fine particles. The difficulties in the disposal of household and industrial waste can be overcome by recycling policies. Recycling means to reuse as a raw material used and discarded items above, to produce new ones.
This task allows a considerable reduction of waste, while saving huge amounts water and energy. In developed countries, the process is facilitated by the selective waste collection. Paper, glass and other materials are easily recyclable. In countries that promote recycling, more and more people separate waste into different garbage bags. Once deposited in special containers are sent to sorting and selecting plants from which will be transferred to the various factories for recycling. The optimal process for waste treatment should be based on three aspects listed by their importance: To prevent, assess and pour. Prevention: The most important task. It is based on reducing waste at source, trying to minimize the amount generated, and reuse. Rate: measures will be applied for waste collection, recycling, composting and energy recovery in incinerators. Pour: The landfill must be considered as the ultimate solution and the least good for the environment. She may only be eligible to waste no longer have value because they have been drained of their substance or usable energy. Implement a selective waste collection, reduce unnecessary waste production and promote recycling, which is currently the least environmental impact alternative for waste disposal. Environmental data The area needed to produce the resources consumed and to assimilate the wastes produced by mankind has doubled since 1961. Between 1970 and 1999, the natural wealth of forests, freshwater ecosystems and oceans of the Earth decreased by 33%. An average American needs 12.2 hectares of space with capacity, ie 10 hectares more than the rest of humanity that has an average of 2.6 hectares, but if we divide the land into equal parts would get about 2.2 hectares per person, in other words we are spending more than we can replace, and those who spend more are in the U.S.. Unless we reduce our levels of consumption and hope to exploit natural resources, we want and try to every day is Earth Day. Taken Reserve

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GLORY TO GOD IN THE HEIGHTS ... PEACE TO MEN OF GOOD WILL ON EARTH! JESUS, THE BEST FRIEND ... J esus is the best friend of all because it tasted death for every man so that he could bring many sons to glory (Heb. 2:9-10). ...

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regional president, Javier Alvarado, follows bad


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DEFENSE OF NEIGHBOR ASSOCIATION NONPROFIT CIVIL SUNARP Record-Seat A-1 of Item No. 11043003, RUC No. 20494728541, registered with the Association File No. 041-2009-AC/CPC in the register of the Commission Consumer Protection INDECOPI, associated with the National Council of Consumers and Users of Peru (CONACUP). BOARD ------------------------------ DEANS OF SCHOOLS OF NOTARIES OF PERU ISSUES REPORT ON ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES TO INDECOPI A NOTARIES DEL CUSCO
On April 5, 2011, Villavicencio Francisco Cardenas as President of the BOARD OF DEANS OF SCHOOLS OF NOTARIES OF PERU INDECOPI refers to a voluminous report on the scope and nature of the notarial function in relation to the 11 administrative complaints made by the OFFICE OF NEIGHBOR an equal number of notaries in the City of Cusco accessibly not display price lists as required by Code and Consumer Protection, infringement found by the Consumer Affairs Authority of the City. The report has 50 pages, is made and sustained by the legal counsel of the Board of Deans, the STUDY Echecopar, expressed in summary as follows: 1 .- Notaries are private practitioners clearly exercising public functions to be considered delegate of the agent, their fees paid by companies located outside the state structure. The legal-administrative status of notary services and public services is inappropriate. 2 .- With respect to the obligation to display price lists, compliance is not required of notaries by providing professional services as non-commercial, not under the category of commercial providers. 3 .- The notaries offer consumers a variety of services, which cost many times depends on the order of the question, its scope or complexity. In that sense, in regard to the provision of most services by the notaries, face is not fixed rates, which may result in a price list. The position and the foundations of the OFFICE OF NEIGHBOR is that notaries are not civil servants. Given that provide services in private and customary in an economic merit certainly varies according to the act that are expected to perform, constituting a ratio of consumption subject to the rules of consumer protection. Also, the case law, the highest court the Court of INDECOPI previously has expressed its views if it exerts a notary public or not, being a service provider, by Resolution No. 947-2009 SC2/INDECOPI. The Notaries are free to price their services, but are required to display on their premises easily detectable full list of their fees, so ordered by the Article 5 of Law 29571 Code and Consumer Protection. The notary service users have the right to view and analyze the price lists as well as established by law, the services of the reward offered cheaper and punish not hiring the most expensive offering is the law of the market. Complaints to all notaries of Cusco was filed on December 31, 2010, the Commission's regional office in Cusco INDECOPI must decide within 120 days of term, and about to expire. We call upon the notary to comply with the law, advertising the prices of their services in an accessible way, to respect the rights of users, continue to denounce. Ica, April 2011.

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A friend sent me during the month of March, a beautiful ppt on the Rights of Women. Both the poem that contains images as chosen by who has made very clearly exposes the reality of women throughout its existence. Just during the month in which many acts have been devoted to women, have been taking place - in different parts of the Muslim geography - situations in which the seeds of war but also of change begin to open in so many Arab countries, where women also have been at the forefront of the riots that proposed change. Weeks have passed, and will silencing the voices of the riots, not because they are outdated, if not ephemeral information. However, the onset of change is there with the riots and the struggles that remain, with the muted role of women who rarely come into the picture, either as agents of change, and as the main victims of the fighting. So I want to share this document. I do attach the lines on which it has thus made me look like a deep reflection on the history of women. Are Ecuadorian poet Jenny Londoño. with them in 1992 won first prize in Poetry "Gabriela Mistral" by the Women's Culture Club and the Ministry of Education, in Quito. For me it is an accurate (while condensed) history of female reality.
As you read probably find suitable music to accompany his poems. The images also clearly come to mind. Or you can listen through the link attached below.
Thank you, Yolanda, for sharing.
Jenny Londoño

I come from yesterday from the dark past and forgotten
with their hands tied by the time
with his mouth sealed since ancient times

I have plenty of old pains,
collected by centuries, long chains dragging
and indestructible.
I come from the darkness of oblivion

well with silence on their backs, the ancestral fear

that has corroded my soul
from the beginning of time.

I come from a slave for millennia,
slave ways:
subject to the desire of my raptor in Persia, enslaved
in Greece under Roman rule, converted
vestal in the land of Egypt,
offered to the gods in ancient rites in the wilderness

sold or exchanged as a commodity.

I come from being stoned for adultery
on the streets of Jerusalem
by a mob of hypocrites, sinners

of all species crying out to heaven my punishment.

I have been mutilated in many towns
to deprive my body of
pleasures and turned into a beast of burden, working
and Birth "of the species.
I have violated no limit

in all corners of the planet that has
without my old age or amount or tender
my color or my height.

yesterday I had to serve the lords,
lend to their wishes,
surrender and give myself, destroy, forget
be one among thousands.

I was mistress of a lord in Castile, wife of a marquis

and concubine of a Greek merchant,
prostitute in Bombay and the Philippines
and has always been just my treatment.

of one and the other always slave
of one and the other dependent
minor in all cases,
more distant history and forgotten in recent history.

I did not have the light of the alphabet. For many centuries

compost my
tears that I should cultivate land
from my childhood.

I traveled the world in thousands of lives
that have been handed
one by one and I have known
all men on the planet.

Large and small, brave and cowardly
the vile, the honest,
the good, the terrible, but almost all have

mark time. A handle

lives as lords and masters,
suffocate, imprisoning and exterminating them. Others leave

souls dealers in ideas,
scare or seduce, manipulate and oppress

Some count the hours with the man rutile
crossed in the midst of trouble.
Others travel by their own naked

desert and sleep with
death in the middle of the day.

I know them all,
was about one and the other,
serving each day, picking up crumbs
down his neck at every turn,
doing my karma.

I traveled all the way
I scratched walls and tested silences
trying to meet the mandate be

as they want but not what I got.

allowed me to choose the course of my life.
I always walked a dilemma
be holy or prostitute.

I know the hatred of the inquisitors
that the name of the holy mother church condemned
my body to its service and infamous
flames of fire.
I've been called many ways:
witch, mad, guess, perverted,
ally of Satan,
slave of the flesh,
attractive, nymphomaniac,
guilty of the evils of the earth.

But I kept living, plowing, reaping
, sewing,
building, cooking, knitting,
healing, protecting, giving birth,
breeding, feeding, caring and above all loving

I populated the land of masters and slaves, rich and beggars
of geniuses and idiots,
but they all had the warmth of my womb, my blood

their food and took a bit of my life.

I managed to survive the brutal and ruthless conquest

Castilla in the lands of America
but I lost my gods and my land and my belly bare
mestizo people
master took me by force.

And on this continent continued my existence defiled

charged daily pain,
black and slave in the middle of the estate
I had to get the master

whenever I wanted without being able to express any complaint. Then I went

peasant servant, peasant, mother of many children
miserable peddler
, healer,
caretaker of children or the elderly, hand craft
weaver, embroiderer, working,
teacher, secretary, nurse, always serving everyone
converted into bee or sowing
meet most thankless tasks as pitcher
molded by the hands of others.

And one day I grieved for my troubles
one day I got tired of my chores,
left the desert and the ocean,
down from the mountains, jungles and crossed

confines and my voice became soft and quiet,

wind in speaker on universal cry and mad.

And I called the widow, the married women
the people, the single,
distraught mother, the ugly, the new mother
, the raped,
to the sad, the quiet, the beautiful,
to the poor, the afflicted, the ignorant,
to the faithful, to the deluded, the prostitute.

thousands of women came together to listen to my speeches
spoke of the pain is ancient, the long chains

the centuries we burden.
And we are with all our complaints

a mighty river that traverse the universe began choking
injustice and neglect.

The world froze
men and women stood
walked machines, lathes,
large buildings and factories
ministries and hotels, shops and offices,
hospitals and shops, homes and kitchens.

Women finally found out.
We are as powerful as they are
and many more on earth!
More than silence
and more than the suffering!
More than infamy
and more misery!

that this song resonates in the distant lands of Indochina
in warm sands of Africa, Alaska and
Latin America
calling for gender equality
to build a united world-
different horizontal without power-
to combine tenderness, peace and life, to drink
science without distinction,
to defeat hatred and prejudice,
the power of a few petty
the borders,
kneading with the hands of both sexes
the bread of life.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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Author is Felix Figueroa Goytizolo sanluisino

died Eddy Martinez, artist of the song "Champion Peru"
Eddy Martínez, singer / songwriter native who made the song popular for many years she accompanied the campaigns of the Peruvian selection football, died this morning as a result of respiratory failure caused by pulmonary fibrosis Advanced and hypertension. The artist, whose real name was William Bedoya, was hospitalized since Dec. 13 in the Intensive Care Unit of Clinical Maison de Santé, and placed under medical treatment and permanent oxygen therapy. Eddy Martinez was the lead singer "Aces of Peru" with Oswaldo Campos. On 15 April, the National Association of Authors and Composers, APDAYC, granted a disability pension in recognition of his contribution and great satisfaction that the fans gave the iconic theme Peruvian "Peru Champion" theme which was written by Dr. Felix Figueroa Goytizolo but popularized Eddy with great success. "Peru Champion" was a song of encouragement to the Peruvian team in qualifying for the Mexico World Cup 70, when Peru eliminated Argentina in the 'Bombonera' for Boca Juniors and became a symbolic issue for all Peruvians. A few weeks ago, Eddy Martinez was brought from the United States, where he was a product efisemia chronic pulmonary pneumonia, which was connected to a ventilator. On his return to Peru was treated in that clinic, so far were the managers to give recognition.

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face inaccurate comments ... Keiko Fujimori


Members of the Organising Committee of the Universidad Nacional de Cañete, brought to the attention, that in accordance with the activities planned by the Pre-University Center approved with Resolution No. 005-UNDC-CO / P which provides that the qualifying exams would be held on 17 April and 15 May this year, dates that were reported publicly in the meeting with parents held on March 23 in the House of Culture. The Commission also announced: That on April 17 took out the first qualifying exam. Involving 450 students from Pre Centro Universitario, approximately 90% attendance of all students. The implementation process of the review were conducted in the public educational institution OUR LADY OF CARMEN IMPERIAL, performing all activities in strict compliance with the scheduled times, except for the schedule of income that was scheduled from 7:30 to 8: 30 hours because the Head of Unit in order to facilitate the entry of all students present, an additional 15 minutes granted request was publicly notified in the door in the presence of assistants PARENTS, allowing the entry of students until 8.45 am, then we continue with all planned activities until completion of the review at 12:00. --- Test results have been published in the administrative headquarters of the Universidad Nacional de Cañete Jr. Mariscal Castilla 162 San Vicente de Cañete and Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Avenue Extension La Mar, Imperial district

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election campaign in Trujillo Mary Montoya

Vargas Llosa Reviews should not to exceed the 1990 defeat Trujillo, April. 19 (ANDINA). The presidential candidate Force 2011, Keiko Fujimori, said that the Nobel Prize in Literature, Mario Vargas Llosa, the criticism because so far not assimilate defeat he suffered in the 1990 elections before his father, Alberto Fujimori. During a tour proselytizing by Trujillo, Fujimori considered unfair statements that award-winning place for Argentine media, in which he described as "the greatest evil" of the presidential election. "80 percent of my equipment is new and independent, and I regret that think so, not read my plan of government," he said in a statement to the press. In Trujillo, the presidential candidate met with the irrigators in the region La Libertad and then toured various parts of the city. Keiko Fujimori's agenda provides for morning visits Ascope localities, Guadalupe, Chepén and Thursday visit to the Virgen de la Puerta in Otuzco.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Continual Burning Stomach

museum script of "Maistro, what if you can not? Is making this up! One day the trades of street

The exhibition will occupy the temporary exhibition hall of the Museum of Popular Art, from 26 March to 5 June 2011.
The museum tour recreates the work 12 hours a day in an anonymous street the Historic Center of Mexico City, back in the 60's of last century. The viewer will enter into an illusion theme through the activities developed, and in some cases still do on our streets, at present some of the trades we try, although not in its heyday, it continue to give work to non-capital's few families as those of the patella, taco, the photographer, the barker, but there are others who suffer from extinction due to industrialization and changing lifestyle of city population .
As the name suggests, the exhibition aims of becoming a daily routine day in this city in which we live. Ginos Small oral traditions apparently civic are invisible, shifts in popular use metalanguage, humorous jokes, puns of alburero and grammatical slip. All wrapped in a colored slum aesthetic and illustrated by that other Mexican muralists, the rank, that of the windows, which does not respect the anatomy and perspective taught in formal schools, which draws on the philosophy of improvisation the useful art of self-taught technique and Alambrito , with its particular
naïve and natural as he is an artist by nature and do not know.
When the visitor enters the room, you can walk between the offices and shops that usually sees, but not look-in the streets of Mexico. Since the dawn and figuratively, will pass the bakery, next to the crier and may buy a turkey the tamale for breakfast.
Throughout the morning, talk to the evangelist, will walk next to jarciero, rummage through the pile of clothes from thrift shops, will give a coin to the organ and may also be arranged with the plumber and the builder to perform some talacha in his house from the street, you can access the recreation of a traditional neighborhood of the historic center, where the viewer has to meet the mechanical you compose your auto and incidentally, take measures for its new coat to the tailor.

At noon, back to the street could stop a taxi of the "Crocodile" for bringing it to the Alameda, there will rest under the shade of trees and hanging out with the seller of meringues, and even make a souvenir photo and then a delicious natural fruit ice, after that, remember that your old made a sent because you need a kitchen objects will enter into a traditional sharpening shop to buy a good knife or scissors excellent. With so much activity he was late to our visitors! must leave the shop and go walking down the street to the other downtown Alameda, which is located in the Santa Maria la Ribera and there, the landscape steeped in the beginning of the twentieth century, a well-known side of the Moorish kiosk, our audience will witness the famous crime of "Tamale", will see the parricide guarded by the authority and the unfortunate husband being portrayed by a seasoned photographer red note. As this happens, a young barker and sings the latest addition to a city that is growing rapidly in population.
the evening shows other offices in the streets, the seller of potatoes with your picture and sound peculiar, the taco vendor shipped goods under its sweaty sheet since the selling quesadillas fed to young students go to the pulque while diablero collects and transports posts other after a long day of work.

be in that moment when our intrepid visitor will notice that takes all day dog-leg and rest and relax, what better way to get into an environment as Mexican as a traditional pulque, that's where everything is mixed urban folklore and becomes the meeting point of the rest of the trades that the visitor observed during his tour, when this exhibition as they conclude their work day.
Unfortunately, every day together less trades in real pulquerías gradually lights are becoming extinct, in the work, obligations and strength ... trades.

Prepared by:
Coordinator and Museum Curator

The exhibition "MAISTRA CAN NOT WHAT IF? invented it! A day in the offices of the street "will be until June 5, 2011 in the temporary exhibition hall of the MAP.

Revillagigedo No. 11 (entry for Independence) Station of the Metro and Metrobus, Juarez and Hidalgo, Centro Historico Ciudad de Mexico Tel - (+52) 55 55 10 22 01

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forget that gave room for the operation of the PRE

INEXPLICABLE! ... MAYOR MARK DISTANCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAÑETE What are the things!. The Provincial Municipality of Cañete, issued a public statement, saying it was unrelated to the problems these days is seen with the young of the PRE, although they happily gave one of the community environment for registration and where the candidates excited National University of Cañete, formed a long tail, as seen in the photo. CAÑETE PROVINCIAL CITY NOT LIABLE FOR ACTS MADE BY ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CAÑETE The Provincial Municipality of Cañete is directed to the community to clarify that no representations or warranties for actions undertaken by members of the Commission Organizer of the National University of Cañete. This clarification is made to the claim of some parents and students of the University Center Pre think that the University has the backing of the Municipality. Mayor Maria Montoya has been clear and unequivocal in pointing to the same members of that Commission not to endorse absolutely no action while not have the authorization to operate. Recently, we interviewed both members of the Commission, with representatives of students meeting that offered some of the ground lease of the municipal pool to be installed at the University classrooms when they have the authorization and have formally called consideration for admission. It should be added that organizing committee has its own autonomy and absolutely does not involve the Provincial Municipality of Cañete, so that all actions undertaken by them are their sole responsibility. City officials are convinced that progress and development of our peoples will be to professionalize their children, so we are committed to support any initiative that aims at it, but if they are framed within the laws. It calls people to take any questions you have about the University Center Pre go directly to the administrative offices of the commission is located in the urbanization Casuarinas in San Vicente.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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Shop MAP, AC goes to the land of Tajin

"Veracruz their nest corner where the waves of the sea" says Agustín Lara song, and yes, a nice state of the Mexican Republic that bathes from north to south the gulf of Mexico. Who knows gastronomy says is the state where you eat better, which occupied the Huasteca, the Toltecs and the Totonac, it has the Son Jarocho and huapangos, in addition to her dance danzón running after long hours of classes. This and much more is Veracruz, where the craft emerges from this story multicultural being the gateway to Mexico since Sister Cortes landed in the Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz.
The Map Shop, AC recently made a trip during the Cumbre Tajin Papantla to make a selection of the most beautiful he found, including vanilla pods are harvested where the world first found in the European beautiful white orchid flowers.


Sweets and vanilla


Papantla Flyers

Revillagigedo esq. Independence
Col. Centro Histórico Mexico City
Hours: Monday to Sunday from 10 to 18 hrs

Emilio Castelar esq. Col. Polanco
Mexico, DF
Hours: Monday to Sunday from 11 to 20 hrs.

AIRPORT Terminal 2, International Area
Mexico, DF
Hours: Monday to Sunday from 6 to 22 hrs.

Shop MAP is a private non-profit, your purchase helps the artisans of Mexico

Monday, April 11, 2011

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smells of spring. It sounds like spring. Her feet are, once again, toward that piece of mountain that has been witnessed many of the happiest moments of her adolescence, and also of his youth.
The sun caressed her cheeks and the sound of the slight breeze ruffles his hair is intertwined with the first trills and chirps of birds. Cuckoo's always present in these fields and in their memory, yet, no sign.
In a gesture from the past, sits against the trunk of his favorite oak tree. Close your eyes. Listened. And carried away by the pleasure of solitude sought.

Suddenly, the caress of lips on her hair, a warm, rough hand through her hair curly and deep voice of his father
- Child, asleep again while escaping the afternoon?
And a smile as he opens his eyes closed, she responds:
- No, Dad, do not sleep. Only fantasize.

But look around you can not find anyone. Only the oak trees and oak trees ..., small birds attesting to its existence.
a tear slips down her cheeks. He stands up and turns his sights on all around. She is alone. For more than thirty years these lands are alone. Then lies on the prairie, fully extended, striking the ear to the ground, closing his eyes again. And his presence felt again again.
But she knows that there are places where the time or even stopped, but it seems - even - move in the opposite direction.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

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