Monday, May 2, 2011

Does Rio Blue Light Work

From Huamanga writes Dr. Jose Ruiz Meza

GOOD DIET! .- Dr. Jose Ruiz Meza, these days is in the town of Ayacucho performing the labor of Secretary Special Electoral Jury Huamanga. Always mindful of the facts that arise in our country, and recently sent us this email that we share with you.
The best way to analyze and to attend the June 5 and vote informed, is to remember the circumstances in which is involved in the second round where groups can pretend that the Fujimorismo is the lesser evil.
As an advocate of the rule of law and a democratic society must be protected and defended to the teeth, I urge you to watch the outcome and in which the media want to "manage the electorate," as they did previously when they were thinking and government ... not more of the same repeat in the fragile minds of most Peruvians and Shifting the result in this sui generis election 2011.

Walter José Luis Ruiz Meza.


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