Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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There were also changes in Imperial, Imperial and Bad New

Fidel Chumpitaz, new Governor of Cñaete
SAN VICENTE .- The Directorate General of Government Interior (MINTER), confirmed the appointment of Mr. Fidel Chumpitaz Villalobos as the new Governor of the province of Cañete, in the final stretch of the current regime.
By Directorial Resolution No. 3086-2011-IN-1501, signed by the Director General of Government Affairs, Capac Mayta Alatrista Herrera, terminating the work of Antonio Arriola Torres in that position.
"I appreciate the confidence placed in me. We will continue with the policy outlined by the central system until we are permitted superiority "said Fidel Chumpitaz excited.
At the end of our year, the flamboyant governor of Cañete, I was sitting in his chair and gave the government initiated the transfer of movable and immovable property of the Interior.
Likewise, the handover took place in the district of Mala (Huapaya Angelica Aguilar), New Imperial (Nicolás Chávez Cárdenas) and Imperial (Roberto Lazaro Ojeda).
relay learned that the four governors, is only the beginning of the exclusion of all political authorities in the Lima region, because of his bad work they have developed.

Monday, May 9, 2011

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According to Reuters

and Humala narrow lead FUJIMORI IN PERU: POLLS
LIMA (Reuters) - The conservative candidate Keiko Fujimori closed the gap against nationalist Ollanta Humala in the race for the presidency Perú y pasó arriba en una encuesta difundida el domingo, con un gran número de indecisos que será clave para definir el balotaje de junio.
Sin embargo, en otro sondeo Humala mantuvo el liderazgo frente a Fujimori, aunque con un pequeño margen de ventaja, por que los expertos afirman que ambos siguen en un empate técnico.
Fujimori, partidaria del libre mercado, obtuvo un 41 por ciento de las intenciones de voto, una leve ventaja frente al 39 por ciento de Humala, dijo una encuesta de Ipsos Apoyo.
El resultado muestra un avance de tres puntos porcentuales por parte de Fujimori y un estancamiento de Humala, quien moderó su discurso izquierdista but still of concern to investors, compared with a previous survey by Ipsos Apoyo.
The poll showed for the first time Fujimori leading the preferences in the ballot, but the margin of error of 2.2 percentage points could be interpreted as a dead heat, according to the director of Ipsos Apoyo, Alfredo Torres.
Support The Ipsos poll said the number of people who say they voted blank, null or those yet to choose a candidate is high and reaches 20 percent. But the figure is slightly lower than the previous survey.
candidates seek to win over these undecided voters to tip the electoral balance on the ballot June 5. The opponent who gets one more vote than the other wins.
"There is a small reduction of undecided voters has been to increase the Fujimori vote, so she comes out slightly ahead, but from a statistical point of view is still a tie," said Torres to Channel America Television.
Support The Ipsos poll was conducted between April 30 and May 6 to 2,020 people nationwide.
Another poll released Sunday night, the Datum firm said Humala has 40 percent, while Fujimori 39.1 percent, with 20.9 percent of people who do not defined by those who vote to nullify the vote.
Datum The poll has a larger universe of 5,010 people interviewed between 1 and 6 May, with a margin of error of 1.4 percentage points, it said.
The voting intention polls have shaken the financial markets. In the last week the Lima stock exchange rose by 10.9 percent and Humala declining expectations of a breakthrough of the Fujimori candidate.
Torres said the candidate has begun to rise in the polls as a result of challenges to the plan of Government of Humala.
Some analysts believe that the proposals populist former paratrooper still worried because they could jeopardize fiscal stability and economic lines that has made Peru one of the fastest growing countries in the world.
But others acknowledge that any radical change in economic direction would be hard for whoever the next president, due to the fragmented Congress, where no political force has a majority, and alliances will be key.
Humala, 48, has moderated his speech and has distanced himself politically from Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, who supported him in the 2006 elections.
Now is at least radical thinking of former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, to be located closer to the center and obtain the support of moderates. Fujimori
while still carries the liability of his father, former President Alberto Fujimori, who is serving a sentence of 25 years in prison for human rights violations and corruption that hit his government between 1990 and 2000.
Keiko Fujimori, 35, has tried to distance himself from his father's authoritarian government and has even sworn that would pardon him if comes to power after elections in June.
(Reporting by Marco Aquino, Edited by Paul Garibian)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

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Worked in the Project Division of the Province of Cañete Municipaldiad

Rómulo Gallegos Eng, flanked by executives from the firm that developed SN Power Project
HUACHO. "The start of construction of the Hydroelectric Power Cheves, was greeted by officials and former officials of the Province of Huaura. One of the first, was the Mayor Santiago Cano La Rosa, who participated in the laying the first stone. Cano La Rosa, expressed his greetings and wishes of success in implementing this important piece of scale that will generate economic growth and social development in our jurisdiction, thanks to private investment has launched this project. "We feel proud to be an area provider of clean and renewable energy, by leveraging the potential that has the mass of Huaura River water," he said. FACILITIES
said that given all the facilities to officials of SN Power, a company in charge of the work, said while be careful to respect environmental laws. Cano also committed to manage for the supply of this energy we produce we cater directly to reduce costs. DON
former regional president of Lima and now congressional candidate with radical changes with the number 1, Miguel Angel Mufarech Nemy, also hailed the construction of Cheves. "The hydroelectric megaproject, deserves special consideration because it will be generating human development in the Basin Huaura-Oyón, directly and collaterally in the region and country, all while generating 168 megawatts (Mw) and for require operation of river waters and gootogoota Huaura. NOTABLE
is important to note the thorough and intensive work before the start of construction of Cheves, which passes through licensing and permitting matters before the district and provincial municipalities involved in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence project.
Romulo Gallegos
Working was given by Dr. Hugo Bravo De Rueda Izquierdo and his team of consultants, both in the legal field with Dr. Luis Uriol Narro and technically with Ing . Rómulo Gallegos Castro Ordoñez Study Lawyers and Bravo De Rueda, who managed everything to be expedited and thus give the green light to implement long-awaited project.
Without this preliminary work that goes through direct dialogue with the municipal authorities, their officials and leaders of the Andean communities, who have elaborated on the significance of the work to be executed, the impact that Cheves and social responsibility of those who will be leading the work, without doubt, an intensive task that had positive results, especially for SN Power.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

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Yesterday Rivas Hugo Sanchez did their workers.

Cerro Azul .- The Ladies Committee of the District Municipality of Cerro Azul chaired by Teresa Arias Rivas today will yield a just and fitting tribute to the mothers of the towns, annexes and the urban area of \u200b\u200bthis district.
"Our deepest appreciation to the mothers on their day," said Teresa Arias, noting that today's activity consists in a special ceremony with a huge special program.
said that there will be an art show - Musical, delivery of presents, feasts to attendees and other surprises in this prelude to the celebration to be more sublime on earth that is celebrated worldwide.
"My greetings to all the mothers of our province. But, most especially to those working mothers and entrepreneurs in the district of Cerro Azul, "said a very emotional first lady of the port of the" beautiful hope ". MAYOR
On the other hand, the mayor of Cerro Azul, Hugo Sanchez Rivas, yesterday paid tribute to working mothers in their neighborhood each presented awards for the selfless work they do for the community.
"Our appreciation to all mothers cerroazuleñas and more particularly to working mothers in the District Municipality of Cerro Azul," said Hugo Rivas amid the hubbub of working mothers.

Friday, May 6, 2011

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not answer the why chuísta convened as an advisor to Nestor Roque? Regional Adviser Confirms

LITA Romans had the intent to revoke A JAVIER ALVARADO

Lima Regional Vice President, Lita Roman Bustinza, fled to the press on Thursday avoid responding on his approach to chuísta Nestor Roque Solis, whom he called to work with him as a consultant, work for which the Regional Government of Lima, disbursed the sum of 2 000 soles a month.
The press waited for his statements more than 2 hours, including a halt in a time coordinated the tribute to Mother's Day, the region carried out on the esplanade of the beach in Huacho Chorrillos, but she asked journalists to please wait for the party ends because that would be the time to give statements.
Unfortunately at the end of the ceremony, the Regional Vice hurried out and despite the questions of men and women of the press, remained silent while his colleagues avoided that journalists closer to the authority, including a lady who works with Roman Bustinza got to empeñones, took her arm and nearly took her weight.
But unreasonable action of one of its partners, Dona Lita made the press blamed a lack of respect for non-existent, "respect show respect," was delivered and just said, "the president and said," Regarding the question you were referring to Nestor Roque. After that officer approached the van that would take place, but the truth is I did not like will rub reporters in his attempt to wrest a few words.
is painful, but the vice president lost a valuable opportunity to make clear its position on the speculation generated after the wrong idea to call to advise Roque, especially if he offended her in Articles saying that only served to be the "companion" of the President and urged even worse when one of their latest publications to take the bull by the horns and that it is withdrawn by Alvarado.
Suspicions are on the table and continue to grow after learning a emerged that would have met with Nelson Chui, former regional president and political enemy of the leader of Patria Joven, now is the government organization which is part and Lita Roman. He even said he would have an audio of the dialogue that both argued.
and continue to grow when you know it would have been she who handled a receipt for fees of 1,200 soles to advise the university professor Julio Amado Sotelo, apparently a personal friend of the vice president, who coincidentally is a leader of Confianza Peru, organization opted for re-election of Chui and was part of the dirty war against the now-President Regional.
why it was important to respond to the press and confirm or discard what is said off the record, only this way could settle this moment it leaves the idea that has interests to overthrow their leader and now chief operating region, if not interested in it suspected it, then continue to keep silent, if you want a clearer picture surely means listen. WORRIED
Roman Lita's attitude is worrisome, because the people who called to advise it, are very well tempered wire Chui, whose main interest públicamentes recognized, is revoked to Javier Alvarado , not understood then, what to do with part of the political apparatus that seeks to be brought down to your leader.
far as we know, the receipt of Roque was admitted to the administration of the Regional Government of Lima, but was rejected outright, since according to the Organic Law of Regional Governments does not provide power to the vice president hiring consultants, to insist on this request, Roman would have legal problems.
also reported that the authority would have incurred in violation of this law to apply in writing to pay two people working at his side. It would be a consultant and an administrative assistant when the rule does not authorize to do so.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

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Ulises Rodriguez Aurora Lázaro

Ulises Rodríguez Lázaro
HUACHO .- The Planning Commission, Budget and Conditioning Territorial Regional Council of Lima Regional Government, yesterday approved the Staff Allocation Table (CAP) of the Executive Unit and South Lima at the latest should be operational next month.
This was confirmed by Dr. Ulises Rodríguez Lazarus, chief executive and chairman of the commission, noting that Lima South Implementation Unit, the provinces of Cañete and Yauyos that have a Sub Regional Management and Body Desconcetrando respectively.
Cañete be said that in the Control Office of Institutional Authority, Office of Legal Counsel, Area Planning, Office of Administration, Sub. Social Development Division, Deputy Economic Development Division, Deputy Agriculture and Transport Management, Assistant Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Management,
While the Authority will work Decentralized in Yauyos have ten seats by a Zonal Coordinator and specialists: Works, Projects and Studies and Supervision of Construction Investment, Tourism and Handicrafts, Mines and Energy, Agrarian Development, Social Development, Natural Resources and Environment, Safety Citizenship and Civil Defense. Accu
that after much debate among directors that make up its Committee, approved the management tool and that next meeting to be held in Huaral, will debate to the plenary for approval.
As recalled Lima South Implementation Unit was established in the period of Nelson Chui, former regional president, with whom Ulises Rodriguez, held the same position, predicting that, by the project will be launched next month.

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"Enrique Guzmán y Valle
School Post Graduate
See - Cañete.
students are advised PROMOTION freshmen students in 2011 and 2010 that the date must come to collect the texts of the courses and class schedule to begin on Friday 20 May 2011, located at the headquarters of the Institute "Jesus of Nazareth."

Cañete, May 5, 2011

José Sánchez Torres
Academic Coordinator

Monday, May 2, 2011

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Yesterday in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed the important list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind 3 Mexican Wonders: The Pirekua, Los Parachicos and Mexican cuisine.
The Pirekua is a genre of ethnic Purépecha, which in their language means song, and the Mexican state of Michoacan. represents a means of expressing the town's history, love and hate, geography and all that is meant to safeguard the soul from your traditions. is the result of the merger of the music of the missionaries and the Indians in pre-Columbian times. Is accompanied by strings and encourage deference of pirelis using only guitars. representation was Ignacio Marquez the Purépecha people who received the record by the UNESCO.
The Parachicos of Chiapa de Corzo arrived with their finely carved wooden masks by master craftsmen from the town and head a "skylight" made of woven and knotted ixtle, of the pattern Rubicel Gómez, has red flowers. They are indigenous Zoques performing their traditional fiesta in January that seventeenth century and since children learn to dance and participate in this celebration of which are very proud.

Juana Bravo, a native of Uruapan, Michoacan , received the certificate of registration in the name of traditional cooks. She was in Nairobi, Kenya, preparing meals for the participants of UNESCO where he made the decision to integrate the Mexican Cuisine as Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Lourdes Arizpe, professor and researcher at the Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research of the UNAM said that this recognition of the Mexican cuisine was primarily due to indigenous women, after the cooks, they are housewives and finally all those that develop in restaurants adaptations of tradition and modernity.
The Association of Friends of MAP, AC celebrates foray so deserved some "ingredients" of our popular culture to the list of treasures that humanity we gifted each other.
* For more information visit the UNESCO website: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/?lg=es&pg=00011

Juana Bravo and Jose N. Iturriaga

The historian Joseph N. Iturriaga, patron and friend of the Friends of the MAP, BC, participated in the efforts being made to include in the list to Mexican cuisine through the Conservatory of Mexican Food Culture, among many other members of that institution. Pepe Thanks for support and disseminate the cultural heritage of our country, in good time.






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Councillor Vincent, confirms its official request to dismiss negligent

Eddy Del Mazo, Mayor of Imperial, receives the first dart of his council.
IMPERIAL .- The councilor of the Municipal District of Imperial, Dr. Aurora Vicente Yaya, reiterated this position to ask the full council the subrrogación in the office of city manager Juan Carlos Zamudio Peña, for the alleged commission of the crime of usurpation of functions.
"The city manager has breached the Municipalities Act powers because it took them no assists, surpassing the full functions of the council, to make arrangements that will not compte" said Aurora Vicente.
" I stand by my position, is covered by the law, has violated the rights of full council and this has to finalize as soon as possible at the next session," said .
When asked .. The mayor of Imperial by issuing resolutions proposed by the city manager, do I have drifted into irregularity?.
- "Unfortunately, this manager's negligence has caused the mayor (Eddy Del Mazo) has usurped the role of full council. Said.
As is known, the councilwoman who entered with the score of "Trust Peru", presented a paper on 27 March imperialino Mayor, requesting the immediate cessation of its city manager.
When everyone thought that Friday would be the case, the mayor said Order will be in a regular session, request to be scheduled for the week.

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From Huamanga writes Dr. Jose Ruiz Meza

GOOD DIET! .- Dr. Jose Ruiz Meza, these days is in the town of Ayacucho performing the labor of Secretary Special Electoral Jury Huamanga. Always mindful of the facts that arise in our country, and recently sent us this email that we share with you.
The best way to analyze and to attend the June 5 and vote informed, is to remember the circumstances in which is involved in the second round where groups can pretend that the Fujimorismo is the lesser evil.
As an advocate of the rule of law and a democratic society must be protected and defended to the teeth, I urge you to watch the outcome and in which the media want to "manage the electorate," as they did previously when they were thinking and government ... not more of the same repeat in the fragile minds of most Peruvians and Shifting the result in this sui generis election 2011.

Walter José Luis Ruiz Meza.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

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Lima Regional Government, looking for his replacement

SAN VICENTE .- Lic Ananora Saavedra Flor Feliz, the process lost law.The with the Regional Government of Lima, after a long legal battle that lasted more than three years in the Superior Court of Justicialista Huara.
The Civil Court of the Court of Huacho consented to the verdict and declared unfounded the claim by Saavedra Feliz, on the invalidity of regional executive decision that annulled the contest Ugel directors of our region.
reoluciòn This overrides the "contest" Ugel directors of the various provinces of Lima region, held in December 2006 during the administration of Miguel Angel Mufarech and his successor Engineer Nelson Chui Mejia, annulled by a series of irregularities.
With this sentence is shown that the tender was not transparent, not legal, so that the stay (2008-2011) in charge of the direction of the UGEL 08, may be declared "illegal", reserving the right to Lima Regional Government to initiate legal action.
Meanwhile, many teachers are rubbing their hands and shuffled some names that could replace Flowers Ananora. Of whom remember him as the director who ruled with a "precautionary measure "and amid the scandal.